Changes to the way patients book their doctor appointments at Crown Street Surgery

The practice has audited patient feedback and practice complaints and highlighted access as being an area for improvement. The practice has looked at several options to help the process run more smoothly for the patients and have discussed these changes and options with a variety of patients from different demographics with varied needs. Taking all this information into account, it has been decided to go ahead with an appointment triage process.

Non-urgent advice: Date of Changes

The practice will be changing the way our patients book doctor’s appointments from Tuesday 18th June 2024. 
From this point ALL GP appointments will be booked via an online form only, and no longer via the phone. 

Non-urgent advice: From this date:

– The patients will complete and submit an online form for an appointment with a doctor.
– A link to this form will be available on the practice website, or a link can be sent to the patient by one of our team.
– The form will be just a few questions to complete by the patient
– This completed form will then be reviewed by a clinician
– Patients will be advised of action that same day. 

The practice hopes this will help our patients significantly with access on the practice phones, and to be able to get access to our clinicians with more ease for our patients health.

We acknowledge that we have wide demographic of patients with varied and multiple needs- and have put processes in place to help support these patients during this change. Including additional staff to help patients face to face and on the phone,  we will also offer technology aids in practice, to assist patients who may not have access at home.

Even though this is a significant change to the way we work. Our team will be here to help and support patients through this change.